Tuesday 27 March 2012

Golf Stretching Exercises

Golf Exercise Program:

Front page photo of a golf exercise program e-book

As an enthusiastic golfer, you know that there’s no such thing as an “off-season” - that’s why you’re always looking for a suitable golf exercise program to improve your year round golf fitness. The fact that the winter season for a lot of us could result in five full months, or more, of golf-free periods, unless of course you can afford to fly off to warmer climes and your favourite golf courses.

This length of inactivity could certainly cause a really serious setback in your general performance once the warmer weather arrives and you’re getting back out onto the course. Unless you’d prefer seeing your golfing pals running rings round you on the golf course, you might well want to consider taking full advantage of a suitable golf fitness programme you can use during at any time of the year.

All set for your perfect year round golf fitness programme? Here are a few golf stretching exercises and golfing gadgets that will bring you nearer to perfecting your current golf techniques, helping to improve your energy levels and fine-tuning your flexibility:

Increase your Aerobic exercise. Think of your over-all level of fitness as being the basis of the perfect golf fitness programme. Without keeping relatively fit throughout the year, you’ll definitely experience the effects of “snow” on your golf game once you re-commence your in-season golfing activities. So, the moment you feel those cold temperatures begin to settle in, make sure you incorporate some gentle cardio activities into your year round golf fitness.

This may involve taking a brief walk every day or gentle twenty-minute runs on the running machine. No matter what you need to do to help keep your heart rate up and pumping, do it - it’s going to improve your stamina and get you fit ready for the following year’s golf season.

Develop Your Strength and suppleness. Most golf professionals agree - the “off season” is the ideal time to work on your durability and flexibility. Boosting your flexibility permits you to enhance your golfing performance but without applying excessive strain on your body - which can often be a major cause of golfing injuries - whilst strength training puts much more power behind your golf swing.

Integrate weight training exercise and maybe a few strength-training golfing gadgets in your golf exercise program and make certain to first stretch out your muscles both before and after every exercise session. If you’re serious about your flexibility, why not try mastering a few Pilates techniques? You may feel silly initially, but you won’t be feeling so foolish once you’ve started to see the results manifest themselves in an ideal golfing posture. There are also plenty of golfing gadgets available which will help you develop strength and suppleness without enrolling in a yoga class.

Image of a stability bal l to include in your golf exercise program
Perfect Your Stability. As the upcoming golfing season looms into sight, almost all golf specialists agree that including balance exercises in a golf fitness programme is a good course of action. Good balance represents an important role in your ability to maintain a simple yet effective swing action - if it’s even marginally off you’ll wind up undermining your overall golf game and you won’t be able to accurately and consistently hit your target. Why not also try skipping with a rope to work in some cardiovascular exercise whilst at the same time working on you improving your sense of balance.

In-Season Suggestions: Once you’re part way through the golfing season, your total golf fitness routines will probably take a back seat to your actual golf game. Naturally, this shouldn’t imply that you need to slack off entirely - if you’re not actively playing golf throughout the week, or perhaps only occasionally at weekends, log in some time at your local health club to help keep your entire body in peak shape. Including these kinds of year round golf fitness strategies will help to keep your golfing performance exactly where it belongs - at the very top!

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